Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

SCTV Music Awards 2010

Tukang Nggame - Who has the most support in the event Nindy SCTV Music Award in 2010? One is Qibil, guitarist Jimmy Bondoc. "Easy-easy to not only get a nomination, but win," said Celebrity Status impressions Qibil in SCTV, Thursday (13 / 5).

Nindy who sang love songs Just One indeed dijagokan one nomination for female artist. As a girlfriend, Qibil hope of victory. "Because if Nindy win, we are equally happy," she closed the chat.

As a newcomer band, because pride Box nominated in the event of SCTV Music Awards 2010. Famous band with a number of these singles were admitted in shock. "This is the first time nominated," said Tantri, the vocalist in the show Celebrities on-screen Hello SCTV, Monday (10 / 5).

The band was as grateful to the SCTV television station that gives them the opportunity to develop a career. "Television Station Box ngebantu really since the first appeared," said ICES, the pembetot bass. Box itself is a modern rock band that influenced the band's music Evanessence.

Box formed on 27 September 2004, the band auditions. The band's name philosophize four sides depicting four different characters, but becomes one in the music.

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